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    Stand beside Green It’s easy to change a depressed mind and the body feels relaxed When touch the leaves it will make you feel fresh and lively. similarly, Monstera or Monstera deliciosa is a type of plant that is a mind-refreshing plant. we should know about their gorgeous deep green look.


    This split-leaf philodendron is a model of a flowering plant famous for its natural leaf-hole, which led to the rise of their tag-name Swiss cheese plant native to tropical forests of southern Mexico, south to Panama. It has been introduced to many tropical areas and has become a mildly invasive species in Hawaii, Seychelles, Ascension Island and the Society Islands. The leaf holes of Monstera are known as fenestrations and are theorized to improve sun fleck capture on the forest floor by increasing the spread of the leaf while decreasing the mass of leaf cells to support it.

    It comes from the family of Araceae

    which are toxic for pets and humans
    their green fruit is toxic but ripe fruit is edible.
    The main toxic part is like a needle which is insoluble oxalate crystals.
    the large glossy green leaves are climbers that use their long tendrils to climb up other trees and rock

    Monstera is crying


    It’s a process that is called guttation and water that’s gathered on the end of the leaves, it’s. xylem plants fluid, which is water and minerals.

    • Monstera plants make great indoor houseplants and can flourish in various interior temperature and humidity levels.
    • its hardy nature won’t need to invest a lot of time into plant care.

    yellow leaves, a musty smell, and soil that’s more swamp than dry land. If the roots are more brown mush than sturdy anchors, you’ve got a case of root rot because of over-watering.

    indoor plant
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