Wake Up With a Green Life and Make Your Morning Routine.
Let's Get Started, a Greenery Journey.

About Us

Hi..! I am Taslima Afrin an experienced indoor gardener. I feel passionate about gardening. I have been working happily and successfully in this sector for quite some time now. I always try to learn about plants and gather new experiences. I know which plants need more sunlight and little water, which plants can not survive without regular watering, and which plants produce oxygen twenty-four hours. I have lots of collection of indoor plants. I have made a gift of some excellent indoor plants to my friends and neighbors by recycling plastic bottles and I will continue this recycling process. All my friends and neighbors give me their used plastic bottles or pots and then I decorate this plastic as indoor plant pots or outdoor plant pots. That’s how I am trying to make my indoors, outdoors, and the environment of my surroundings clean, safe, and Greenery.


thank you
