Idea For culinary garden
Do you like cooking? I do like but not sequentially. I try to cook every day, It can be very random, such as a special dish for someone or suddenly an idea of culinary comes into my mind then I start to cook some special. You can think why do I am talking about cooking? Yes, I am talking because I want to share my idea about the culinary herbs garden I already have a small culinary indoor garden which is very special for my workshop—every day in this workshop, I prepare various recipes for the cafe FoodPie2020. we want to use fresh, organic herbs for our recipe. To my satisfaction, I am just determined to make something grow. Or, perhaps just I want something green or white, or red, or any other colour to warm my house and make it feel occupied. Whatever the reason, there are plants and techniques for gardening that will fulfil our need to “make something grow.”
Many herbs have beautiful blooms and unique colours, not to mention the scent you can add to your home with well-chosen herbs.
All of this is achievable from the comfort of your kitchen without worrying about soil type, changing seasons, watering, or if there’s enough sunlight.

Guide to Culinary
Herbs Garden:
If you Have a culinary herb garden that is something every home cook should include in their bag of tricks. However, becoming an expert in the art of using herbs to bring out the best flavor of the food is what transforms the ordinary meal into something to be remembered.
For BeginnersTips:
plants that never end their comeback process. It’s almost a continuous process that types of perennial plants can be seeded for our culinary garden. plants fennel, thyme, and bee balm, that have a wonderful aromatic scent colorfully. This scent and colorful Perennials are used as emulsions and infusions, which come back from the root yearly so that you do not have to replant. They go inactive in winter. hyssop, fennel, bay, chives, lemon balm, oregano, thyme, mints, cumin, sage, black seed, turmeric
plants that need to be planted or seeds every year are called yearly plants. we can buy seeds or seedlings to plant and set out them indoors. The plants may be herbs such as basil, cilantro, cress, marjoram, etc.
This scent and colorful Perennials are used as emulsions and infusions, which come back from the root yearly so that you do not have to replant. They go inactive in winter. hyssop, fennel, bay, chives, lemon balm, oregano, thyme, mints, cumin, sage, black seed, turmeric
Annuals These plants usually make their seeds after flowering Annually. They may replant themselves in the same spot every year if you let the flowers go to seed. The seeds will fall around the existing plants and can sprout the following spring.
This evergreen will go to sleep which means they are in a period of rest. They may look dead, but the roots are still alive. If can water them once or twice during the winter, they will suddenly sprout new growth in the spring and can bloom!
to keep our plants after shopping from a nursery or improvement plant store to plant in our indoor herbs garden we should check the plant care tag because it will make us know a lot about the plant that we should know and we can make a decision whether it will work or not.
Plants may require no sun, partial sun, partial shade, or full sun. Don’t mess with this formula! If the tag says partial sun, then don’t put the plant in full sun, or it will dry
The tag will tell you how often to water the plant, and usually, it will state whether the plant likes consistently moist soil. Some plants prefer to dry out before the next watering. Believe what the tag says! If you overwater or don’t water enough, the plant will not thrive.
Somewhere on the tag, you will find information as to how high and wide the plant will grow. This is important to remember. Bee Balm, for instance, will grow to be three feet tall. Fennel, however, will reach six to eight feet. That’s a little tall for even a BIG window in the house!
Herbs are quick to recover, and can often continue growing even after a freeze! In our country (BANGLADESH )medium to low and 40 to 42 degree42-degree departure some herbs can grow and survive. if the plant herbs grow indoors we can use a 100-power electric bulb on the plants for better growth.
GARLIC, onion, ginger, green chili, small red chili, various types of mint plant, fennel, rosemary, cress.

You can use them for a fresh salad, or curry, as herbs medicine mints leaves are very important. maximum green herbs can play a vital role in our lives. indoor culinary herbs are not only good for our health their green fresh look and beautiful aromatic colorfull scent refresh our minds.
All the herbs are set on large plastic plates, inside the small plastic bottles, cups, jars, and some designed glass tops or pots.
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About Author

I am an experienced indoor gardener working happily
and successfully in this sector for about five years.
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