Areca Palm Plant

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    Tree of Palms sounds like a big tree a big round-shaped fruit which appears only for some seasons. no, I am not talking about these types of Palm trees. There are about 51 species of palm plants in the family Arecaceae. The Areca plant is one of them but it does not give any fruits but it air purifies. plant grow in the topical humid forests and islands of Malaysia Philippines, and India.

    why do we like the Areca plant?

    there are so many reasons to love this plant that are explained below.

    *  first of all, it looks so beautiful to decorate

    *  Air purifier plants

    * produce oxygen at night

    *  prevent diseases

    *  Make an immunity system
    *  Good for mental health
    *  Though it is not eatable it is not toxic Suitable for pets and kids
    *   Easily maintainable plant
    *  Has many pharmacological properties
    *  It keeps humidity in the air

    *  Pouring water

    1. Decorated plant:

    maximum city and city -townspeople want to decorate their house office with plants as indoor or outdoor gardening in this situation people’s first choice would be the Areca plant because of their gorgeous look that can be long lasting. they are the green beauty of my house.

    2. Most air-purification power

    In our city life, people are fared up for air pollution. people attach various types of diseases. In this case, air purification is essential in our everyday lives. inside our house, we use the refrigerator, AC and another electronic devices which release toxic gases. Areca palm can consume these types of toxic gases. and work as our air purification proved by NASA.

    3. Oxygen provider plant

    another oxygen provider plant is Areca which gives oxygen 24 hours every seven days. Researchers have proven that areca palm trees can increase O2 concentrations from 18.56% to 21.33% after 7 h and decrease CO2 concentrations from 428 ppm to 419 ppm. ratio 3.1.

    4/prevent diseases

    Indoor plants Areca prevent asthma and allergy. Removing formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, xylene, and toluene from the air trapping allergens and filtering toxins, makes air perfect for individuals with allergies or respiratory issues. Areca treatment of a mental disorder called schizophrenia and an eye disorder called glaucoma. Areca is also used as a recreational drug because it speeds up the central nervous system.

    5/make immunity system

    By air-purify, the Areca plant makes our environment fresh and boosts our energy level that is why our immune system grows and we can prevent diseases.

    6/good for mental health

    Areca plant helps to treat a mental disorder called schizophrenia. Its huge, attractive, clumping palms with smooth, sometimes golden trunks that remind of bamboo clumps. Areca Palm plant attracts riches, serenity, and success into the home by repelling bad energy and attracting positive energy.

    7/It is not toxic:

    Areca does not harm to eat. It’s friendly to kids and pets. Not only is it friendly but also Areca is being used for important pharmaceutical products.

    8/ Suitable for pets and kids:

    we can keep this plant without any scare and stress. pets and kids can play with it but be careful if they tear your plant’s leaves..!

    9/ easy maintainable plant

    It is a long-lasting and easily careable plant.No need to water it every day and no need to fertilizer for every month. we can avoid extra care little care is enough.

    10/The pharmacological properties

    of this gene of Areca are used for various important sides. of Already we know its pharmaceutical uses.
    numerous pharmacological actions including effects on digestion, antiparasitic effects, antioxidant effects, nervous and cardiovascular systems, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, antibacterial and antifungal effects, regulatory effects on lipids and blood glucose, and anti-allergic effects, as well.

    11/It keeps humidity in the air

    The Areca plant keeps humidity because it is like the humidity of our Bangladeshi people. six seasons country Bangladesh we have twelve months in six seasons. maximum season carries huge moisture that’s why the areca plant can stay with us as an indoor plant. its tolerance temperature is 30 degrees to 40 though it tolerates slight fluctuation, to maintain its consistent humidity level keeps its fonds lush and vibrant. If notice the tips of your palm’s fronds turning brown, it could be a sign that the humidity is too low. Areca likes to stay in bright light too.

    12. Aware of pouring water

    try to give them a filter of clean and room-temperature water. the plant needed pure water too. if we pour dirty or cold or hot water the plant will die or various types of fungi, and bacteria will attack .hurmful insects consume its roots and the plant leaves turn yellow slowly it getting die.

    secret of Areca plant: 

    Don’t over the water we should make sure that the pot has a hole so that water does not get clogged. let the soil dry before watering again.
    Don’t keep them underwater:

    if the roots are submerged under water or if you keep them under water means if Its roots are always wet then the roots will start to rote Wate them properly 1/2 weekly if needed.

    Re potting:

    It is a monocotyledonous plant so it has no main root which would be hard and long-rooted. That is why its delicate roots grow fast and fill up the pot as a result the soil is starting to weaken. the amount of soil starts to get small. the leaves of the areca get yellow and the tip of the leaves dies. in this situation, the plants need to re-pot.

    select Tob:
    when it needs to re-pot at first we have to select a pot depending on Areca’s height and amount. If it is long 1 fit or half then we can use a six or seven-inch pot or if it is long 2 fit or high then we should use a 14-inch pot.

    Be aware of re-potting

    It would be good if we could re-pot once yearly. the plant would be greener lovely and fresh. while re-potting some roots have to be trimmed, and some ready-soil needs to be added. while we start to pot ready draining system should be confirmed that’s why pot making is very important for a plant. the top should have a hole or some first, we keep inside some large stones then we keep some white sand after that we will keep mix-soil which was ready with sand, soil, and vermicompost. It will be just Wet sandy soil so that the draining system will be well. and the Water does not accumulate inside the tob.

    for a better look:

    For greenery and a fresh look on my plant, I wipe with a cloth weekly a day and spray water on the leaves that’s why it makes better photosynthesis. after all, they are the most beautiful member of my house.

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